FPÖ – Schmiedlechner: The new veterinary drug law is a bureaucratic monster and brings no benefits for animals and consumers Liberal Parliament Club

2023-07-06 15:41:05

Vienna (OTS) – “The EU bureaucracy monster strikes once more and the black-green government follows the word! Without considering the practitioners, the ÖVP simply waves an impractical law through.” With these words, the liberal agricultural spokesman NAbg commented today. Peter Schmiedlechner the plans for the Veterinary Drugs Act.

This law became necessary because the EU stipulates this for Austria with a regulation. This regulation is to be implemented directly nationally and for this reason Austria must change its laws accordingly. “This whole project is totally unnecessary, because Austria’s agriculture is already very economical in the use of antibiotics and in recent years the use has been reduced more and more,” emphasized Schmiedlechner.

“The new Veterinary Drugs Act means more bureaucracy for everyone involved. In Austria, antibiotics are only used where it is really necessary. Compared to other countries, we use very few antibiotics in Austria,” emphasized Schmiedlechner.

“It is a new attack on Austria’s animal owners. Animal welfare is very much promoted in Austria and sick animals must be helped accordingly. No one uses drugs for fun and frolics. We want to prevent animal suffering and will therefore not support the new law. Rather, we want to look at the health of the animals and protect the veterinarians and owners from unnecessary bureaucracy!” said the liberal spokesman for agriculture.

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