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  1. Sweetpassion

    Sweetpassion Pink gum drops.

    Feb 9, 2013
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    1. formerlyRC
      Darn !!! I need to be spanked
      formerlyRC, May 6, 2023
      Sweetpassion likes this.
  2. Sweetpassion

    Sweetpassion Pink gum drops.

    Feb 9, 2013
  3. formerlyRC

    formerlyRC Porn Star

    Jul 6, 2019
    I couldn' tell whether it was passion or aggression, perhaps the line is a fine one. Whatever it was it was turning me on even if perhaps it shouldn't have and I felt so twisted, so complicated trying to untangle the threads which seperated desire and lust from hatred and just wanting to get the hell out there.

    He pulled me roughly toward him running his hands roughly over my breasts, reaching under my top and squeezing my breasts, pushing the cups up so he could better feel the soft skin.

    His breathing was heavy as he kissed my neck and wrestled with the buckle to my jeans, finally undoing it and then releasing the buttons in quick sucsession , yanking my jeans violently down over my hips and then turning me around, pushed me toward the kitchen table.

    Hobbling, stumbling to the table I collapsed against it, my stomach feeling the cool wood as he pressed my back down as warning not to move.

    I stood there for a few seconds, feeling my breathing, my jeans hoiked halfway down my legs. Then he surprised me, running his hands gently over my panties, feeling my ass before he ever so carefully peeled them down.

    I gasped, knowing how wet I had become. He ran a finger along my ass crack, around and down between my legs, gently pulling my moist lips apart and probing a single finger into my wet interior,

    "I'm going to fuck you now Rachel " he whispered hoarsely into my ear. I could feel him wrestling with is own jeans behind me. I didn't need to look to sense he was big, I knew, even before he pushed his cock head to my sex, even before he began top open me up.

    I just some how knew. I gasped, he was big, he was so fucking big and I wasnt sure I could, but he was in, he was in me and all I could think was how it made me feel and his words " Im going to fuck you Rachel" playing over and over in my head in a loop as he did just that. Long hard thrusts which took over my body until I heard my self crying "fuck me fuck me"
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    Last edited: May 7, 2021
  4. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
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  5. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
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  6. formerlyRC

    formerlyRC Porn Star

    Jul 6, 2019
    I am very interested in those moments where something shifts. The skip in the record, the stutter in the discourse, that moment of distraction which makes you miss your stop.

    It is the silence you feel as you jump. A leap into the unknown.

    It is the moment before you kiss, the uncertainty if they will reciprocate. It is the moment she removed her night dress in front of me uncertain if I was gay or not. But she took that leap of faith.

    It is your outstretched hand before their fingers wrap around yours in affirmation.

    The moment before orgasm.

    I remember being on top of him, there was a brief second where time seemed to stand still, where he could no longer hold back the inevitable and he just looked.

    You could see it in his eyes and then the rush of pleasure ,the wetness of his desire deep inside me. Unstoppable

    Those moments where the time line seems to shift is what fascinates me
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    Last edited: May 8, 2021
    1. notdescriptive
      Beautiful writing.
      notdescriptive, May 8, 2021
      Sweetpassion and formerlyRC like this.
    2. formerlyRC
      formerlyRC, May 8, 2021
      Sweetpassion likes this.
    3. Sweetpassion
      You just got me thinking about all of those moments. Such a perfect way of describing them.
      Sweetpassion, May 11, 2021
      randallgossip likes this.
  7. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
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    1. notdescriptive
      Love the tie doubling for a pony tail!
      notdescriptive, May 8, 2021
  8. randallgossip

    randallgossip Bad Wolf

    May 1, 2016
    2nd century BC bronze phallus from a tomb in Jiangsu, China


    They say the smooth finish means it was meant to be functional, not just decorative, and the holes in the base ring suggest it may have been a strap-on.
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    1. formerlyRC
      formerlyRC, May 9, 2021
      Sweetpassion and randallgossip like this.
  9. formerlyRC

    formerlyRC Porn Star

    Jul 6, 2019
    We talk about passion as fast and furious, of unbridled but I think sometime the opposite can be true.

    It was after work, sitting on the edge of her bed in her tiny room. Her autobiography strewn across the floor of her tiny room in the form of panties and bras and unwashed ripped jeans, slouchy pants and hoodies.

    On the table there was a Bible and book entitled Criminal Law 101 next to a dish full of cigarette butts, a packet of condoms and a half smoked joint. Irony still alive and well I thought. On the bed and surrounded by teddy bears a baby doll wich I had yet to see her wear and a big soft dog called Ralph I watched the show.

    I loved how she started at the bottom, like she was playing it in reverse. The way she pulled her uniform shirt from her pants and undid the buttons, slowly deliberately. one, two, I could see the hint of her white skin above her belt. Three, four, as her jewled belly button glinted in the afternoon sun which punched its way through the partly closed curtains.

    Like I had drunk from the half empty vodka bottle on the bedside table I felt like I was drunk, each button she undid was like she was turning the dial of the thermostat up another degree. I felt my breath, heavy and a burning desire searing into my very core.

    five, six, her bra just visible. I slipped my top off, unable to take the heat and undid my jeans. Seven.

    I pulled open my jeans and slipped them down, running my hands over the silky fabric of my panties, pressing them against my desire, glancing down at the a small damp spot developing in the gusset. This is what she did to me. Eight

    I could do nothing but concentrate my gaze on her as she carefully slipped the shirt from her torso, my desire to touch and be touched , to bury my face and breathe in her scent, to taste her, now quite overwhelming. Nine

    She opened up he pants slipping them down with the same unhurried she had undone her shirt. She wasn't wering panties, her smooth perfect sex on display for me. I thought about how she had spent the day at work like that, pantiless I mean. Her tiny breasts held in by a pretty bra, but mostly it was her not wearing knickers. I smiled, shut my eyes and lay back on the bed.

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    Last edited: May 9, 2021
  10. Sweetpassion

    Sweetpassion Pink gum drops.

    Feb 9, 2013
    Weeks had passed since i had laid eyes on him, maybe even a month had passed. My heart was literally beating out of my chest. As i took one last spin around in front of the mirror. Giving myself sort of girlish grin. Will he think i look sexy in this cute little Summer dress? I don't really have the time to curl my hair all pretty. I collect all my long hair into one hand and wrap it up in a pony tail. Then i thought to myself. Nope, he loves my wild uncontrollable locks. I just jerked the pony tail out and gave my head a little shake. I mumbled under my breathe " much better!" I grabbed for my keys and ran out the door. The drive seemed to take hours. In reality it wasn't really even that far.

    I had one stop to make so i let him know where i had to go before meeting him. It seemed to take forever to find a parking space in this old parking garage. Ugghhh, "fuck this is going to take up way too much time!" I jump out in such a rush to get this errand over with. Slamming the car door. I turn around and look up. There he was all leaned up against the back of his truck. His arms crossed in front of him. He had such a handsome grin on his face. I froze up for a few seconds.

    There it was @formerlyRC time standing still. Cars were slowly driving by with no break in between them. As they searched for parking spaces. I just couldn't take my eyes off him nor could he take his off of me. Our gaze was locked. A visual fixation on each other. Only i felt so completely naked fully clothed. How could i not long to rush into his arms? He motioned for me to cross over to him. I was so distracted that i hadn't noticed the break in traffic.....good gracious such a handsome man!

    His manly arms just wrapped around my waist pulling my body up against his. At that moment i forgot we were even in this old parking garage full of spectators. Yet again, time stood still as his tongue danced simultaneously with mine. In such perfect rhythm. One hand grasping my head. As i felt his other hand lifting the length of my dress. Moving slowly up my thighs exposing my pink silky thong. His mustache tickling my lips as we kissed. Mmmm how i want to feel his lips somewhere else. My girly parts felt as if they were dying to be touched, like i had never been touched before. Losing all control right there in such a public spot. I was soaking wet! Just as his fingers slipped under the edge of my thong, breathless longing to feel his finger slip deep in between my puffy little slit.

    We both snapped back into reality. (That shift you described) He dropped my dress and we both looked around aimlessly. My juices started to seep down my thighs. So many people around us. He whispers in my ear. Sounding more like a moan of desperation, need, a desire "follow me, i know a more secluded spot."
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. Sweetpassion
      Thank you very much. She makes me feel like we're just hiding out in this thread sharing intimate stuff. Lol
      Sweetpassion, May 11, 2021
    3. TommyGspot
      I love reading both of you - keep it up!
      TommyGspot, May 13, 2021
      formerlyRC and Sweetpassion like this.
    4. Sweetpassion
      Thank you. She always inspires me. Reminds me of one of the reasons i joined here in the first place. I can get lost in great memories and fantasies and that relaxes me. She also excites me but everyone knows that.
      Sweetpassion, May 13, 2021
      randallgossip and formerlyRC like this.
  11. Sweetpassion

    Sweetpassion Pink gum drops.

    Feb 9, 2013
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  12. Sweetpassion

    Sweetpassion Pink gum drops.

    Feb 9, 2013
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    1. Zen 1
      Very pretty image
      Zen 1, May 11, 2021
      Sweetpassion likes this.
    2. formerlyRC
      Oh I love it
      formerlyRC, May 12, 2021
    3. ezatiger
      Tiger stripes :thumbsup:
      ezatiger, Mar 4, 2025
  13. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
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    1. randallgossip
      Interesting little summary of that study, and it got me looking into the KSOG.
      randallgossip, May 14, 2021
  14. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
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    1. formerlyRC
      Im not sure I could give you a percentage..
      formerlyRC, May 12, 2021
  15. Sweetpassion

    Sweetpassion Pink gum drops.

    Feb 9, 2013
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    1. TommyGspot
      Just wow - so simple but the use of the mirror and the angle gives it that voluptuous look
      TommyGspot, May 13, 2021
    2. Sweetpassion
      I couldn't stop looking at it. I wonder what she's thinking too.
      Sweetpassion, May 13, 2021
      randallgossip and TommyGspot like this.
  16. Sweetpassion

    Sweetpassion Pink gum drops.

    Feb 9, 2013
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  17. Sweetpassion

    Sweetpassion Pink gum drops.

    Feb 9, 2013
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  18. Sweetpassion

    Sweetpassion Pink gum drops.

    Feb 9, 2013
  19. Sweetpassion

    Sweetpassion Pink gum drops.

    Feb 9, 2013
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  20. formerlyRC

    formerlyRC Porn Star

    Jul 6, 2019
    At one end of the living room was a big oak table. Charlie sat a chair breaking up cigarettes to fill a joint, seemingly oblivious to my presence. I saunted over to the drinks trolley which was modelled after an old'wild west' wagon and poure a scotch into a a heavy cut glass tumbler.

    " Help yourself " Charlie said in a deadpan tone. " I will " I replied walking over to the table and taking a Marlboro from the packet.

    Charlie looked up at me for a moment before returning to his joint rolling task.

    I watched Charlie for a second or so as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small plastic bag of Big C " want some " Charlie said without looking up. " I'm drunk " I giggled.

    Charlie looked at me " when are you ever not drunk " he said with a smile.

    With Charlies gaze now fixed on me I began to undo my blouse, releasing the buttons one by one and then slipping it from shoulders. Charlie smiled again but this time his smile seemed warmer, friendlier. I undid my skirt and slipped that off, standing in front of Charlie in just my panties and bra. I had a low cut purple bra with matching sheer panties, my nipples clearly visible, dark large areolas and solid nipples softened by the gauzy fabric which was neatly framed by the navy trim.

    Charlies' eyes darted to my sex, my pussy, clean shaven, the shape of my lips, every fold and crease on show, buy only just, under the thin fabric.

    I felt a tingle through my body as I stood there, wondering what he was thinking, what he might do to me. I knew I wanted his cock in me but anything else would be just bonus. I dragged heavily on the cigarette, the tumbler of whiskey tilting precariously in my other hand. Charlie reached up and took the glass and placed it on the table.

    " shall we go to the bedroom " he whispered
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