Launch of a national consultation on the health of healthcare professionals

Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions, launched on Thursday March 30, 2023 a national project dedicated to the development and deployment of a strategy aimed at improving the health of professionals. health.

Health professionals form a heterogeneous population exposed to more or less specific health risks. If it is not new, this subject has been particularly highlighted by the health crisis. Knowledge and recognition of the problems specific to these professionals must make it possible to better prevent and take care of those who care for.

The recognition of health professionals, whatever their places and modes of exercise, is at the heart of the action of the Minister Delegate, Agnès Firmin le Bodo.

On the one hand, we see that workload and the imbalance between work and private life of these professionals are factors affecting their mental health. On the other hand, the organization and conditions of their work affect their physical health. A quarter of health professionals report being in poor health.

This combination of factors, reinforced by the legitimate desire for a better balance between personal life and professional commitment, calls for precise and concrete answers. It is in this context that the national project dedicated to the development of a strategy aimed at improving the health of health professionals. The objectives of this project aim, in addition to preserving and promoting the health of health professionals and their working capacity, to develop an organization and a work culture allowing the development of the health at work of health professionals, whatever or their place of practice, and to contribute to the return of a positive image of health professions, helping to restore their attractiveness.

This project revolves around three main axes :

  • Document health status health professionals;
  • Identify good practicesidentify the organizational or normative supports, existing or to be created, favorable to a trajectory of improvement of the preventive behavior of health professionals;
  • Develop a shared roadmap and multiannual for the period from 2023 to 2027 and begin its deployment.

So, the Ministry of Territorial Organization and Health Professionsin conjunction with the various federations and representative organizations and all the stakeholders, invites all professionals in the field of health, social, medico-social, institutional or liberal, to complete the online questionnaire following whose content aims to objectify, through some forty questions, the relationship of these professionals to their health. The results of this consultation will contribute to the analysis of needs and will encourage the expression of responses to be provided collectively.

By opting for this unprecedented method which aims to involve a large number of actors and stakeholders, Minister Agnès Firmin Le Bodo wishes guarantee the broad participation of professionals in this construction site, support their commitment by bringing them, as well as all the stakeholders, to co-construct pragmatic and useful measuresensuring their complementarity with the initiatives deployed in the territories and their readability by all health players.

“A professional who is doing well is a professional who treats well. »

Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions

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